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Art of A.R.C. Focal Points

The bonus downloads that will take you further, faster!

ARC Focal Point - Gap Analysis Visual.00

Image Gap Analysis

Use this focal point worksheet to take a deep dive and discover the gaps between where you are and where you want to be.  Remember that image and appearance relate to both how you project yourself AND how you are perceived so this analysis will help you create a baseline for meaningful action.

ARC Focal Point - Ditch the

Ditch the Pitch

Use this focal point guide to create a new way to connect with others instead of worrying about networking.  Not everyone is meant to be a part of your circle, so use this tool to empower yourself with the conversation and confidence you need to make meaningful connections versus collecting numerous business cards.

ARC Focal Point - ABC

Expand Your List

Use this focal point worksheet to visualize your current capacity for building more meaningful relationships that can lead to partnerships that matter.  This quick guide will allow you to easily reference where you need to focus your efforts and possibly share more about yourself as connection works both ways!

ARC Focal Point - Credibility Chart.001.

Credit-Ability  Assessment 

Create your very own "Credit-Ability" graphic to create a snapshot to discover where you may need to focus your efforts first.  This exercise is most effective when you gather anonymous feedback via a 360 Feedback mechanism that allows others to share candid feedback in a safe manner.

ARC Focal Point - Ways to Become an Insi

Stay Connected!

Take a look at some of the simplest ways to stay connected with community members that want to be their best and grow exponentially!  There's also some unique opportunities available to offer custom programs for special events and out-of-the-box fundraisers.

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